Address Abbreviations

Clarivate maps abbreviated address terms to known full address terms and contrariwise. This allows you to use abbreviated address terms or full address terms to search for records containing the abbreviated term and the full term.

If the publisher of a source document abbreviated a common address term, the publisher's abbreviation may appear in the record. If you are familiar with an abbreviation that is not in the help list, try searching for it along with the full term. An abbreviated term will retrieve records in which the term appears in the Address field of a record. For example:

  • Astron finds Astron in the Address field but not Astronomy
  • Constr finds Constr in the Address field but not Construction
  • Oper finds Oper in the Address field but not Operating

When searching the Address field, enter the abbreviated term and the full term to retrieve records that contain either term. For example, Astron OR Astronomy