Chemical Query Screenshots and Menus
The following are screenshots of examples for chemical queries and property menus.

To see how a compound structure search works, draw these simple chemical fragments and attachment points, and then search for compounds and reactions that match it or have it as a substructure.

To see how a reaction structure queries works, draw these simple chemical fragments and attachment points, and then search for reactions that match it or have it as a substructure.

Right-click on any blank area of the drawing box to display a contextual menu with the following options: Paste Mol/Rxn, Copy image, Properties SD data items and more.

Move your cursor over an atom in the chemical structure and right-click to display a contextual menu. Select between the menu option to display sub-menus containing various Atom Properties options that you can select and use to modify your chemical structure.

Move your cursor over a bond in the chemical structure and right-click to display a contextual menu. Select between the menu options to display sub-menus containing various Bond Properties options that you can select and use to modify your chemical structure.