Structure Drawing
Follow these steps to create a compound or reaction structure and to search for records containing the compound or reaction.
- Draw a compound or reaction structure using the Elemental drawing tool from Dotmatix Knowledge..
Right-click on your chemical structure to display an atom/bond contextual menu in which you can modify Atom Properties or Bond Properties.
- Select the appropriate options to apply to your chemical structure.
- Select a search mode:
- Substructure to find compounds or reactions that contain what is in the Structure Drawing window.
- Exact Match to find compounds or reactions that exactly match what is in the Structure Drawing window.
- [Optional] Scroll down to the Compound Data section or to the Reaction Data section to enter chemical text queries.
- Click the Search button to go to the Reaction Results page or the Compound Results page.
After you click Search, the system takes you to the Results page where you will be able to switch between the Reaction and the Compound Results tabs. If one of the tabs is not clickable, it means that no results were found.
If your institution is subscribed to Index Chemicus index and not the Current Chemical Reactions, the system takes you directly to the Compound Results page.
- If your institution is subscribed to both chemical indexes, but no reaction records are found that matches your chemical query, the system takes you to the Compound Results page.
If your institution is subscribed to chemical indexes, and the system finds both reaction and compound records, the system takes you to the Reaction Results page.

The system uses an implicit AND operator when you enter two or more adjacent chemical terms in the same field or when you initiate a search in which you have entered chemical terms in multiple search fields. For example:
- Apoptosis AND Antineoplastic finds the same number of compound records and reaction records as Apoptosis Antineoplastic.
Enclose terms in quotation marks if you wish to search for exact chemical phrases. For example, enzyme activity retrieves compound records that contain the phrase "enzyme inhibiting activity" or "enzyme activity". However, "enzyme activity" only retrieves compound records that contains the phrase "enzyme activity".
These rules apply to the following chemical text fields.
- Compound Name
- Compound Biol. Act
- Reaction Keyphrases
- Reaction Comments
- Other

You do not have to use parentheses in your search queries. For example, the following seach queries return the same number of results as Gly AND asp OR ser NOT val.
- (Gly AND asp OR ser NOT val)
- (Gly AND (asp OR ser) NOT val)
- (Gly AND asp OR (ser NOT val))