Web of Science ResearcherID

A Web of Science ResearcherID is a unique identifier that connects you to your publications across the Web of Science ecosystem (e.g., Web of Science, Publons, and InCites) and provides the global research community with an invaluable index to author information. Web of Science Group products (Web of Science, Publons, InCites, EndNote) use a Web of Science ResearcherID to match and disambiguate researchers across products.

Having a Web of Science ResearcherID helps:

  • solve author identity issues
  • ensure correct attribution between you and your publications on the Web of Science
  • add dynamic citation metrics from the Web of Science Core Collection and other missing metadata to publication records on your Publons profile, Web of Science, InCites, etc.
  • effortlessly keep your ORCID up to date by linking it to your Web of Science ResearcherID on Publons

We fully integrated ResearcherID across Web of Science collections, Publons profiles, and InCites. It can also link to your ORCID to ensure you’re properly credited for your work across the web.

Author Identifiers Table

Expand the Authors Identifiers table to view a list of researchers who have claimed a publication using their Web of Science ResearcherID or ORCID identifiers.

The table includes:

  • If available, the Web of Science ResearcherID of all authors who have claimed the publication. The hyperlink takes you to the author's Web of Science ResearcherID, hosted on publons.com where you can view all the records in the author's publication list.
  • If available, the ORCID of all authors currently associated with the publication.