Compound Details

The Compound Details pop up allows you to see all of the information available for an individual compound. From this pop up, you can view the Full Record of the source publication from which the compound was taken

The Compound Details page consists of the following elements.

Element Description
Page Navigation Arrows

The number of the compounds out of the total number of compounds extracted from the source publication.

For example: < 3 of 9 >

Use the navigation buttons to see other compounds from the same article.

Associated Publication

Displays the full title of the article. Click the title of the article to view the Full Record of this compound record.

Compound No

A unique identifier assigned to the compound. Use the navigation buttons to see other compounds from the same article. Example: 774890-003

Compound Name Trivial name for the compound or natural product. Example: Craterellin C
Author Number The number assigned to the compound by the author. Example: 5d
Compound Image

An image of the compound.

Example of a Compound Chemical Structure image

Compound Data

Compound data examples:

Symbol: Craterellin C

Grade: (+)-isomer



Activity Status:Tested (The status is either Tested or Potential)