Controlled Terms
You can copy and paste a term from any of the following lists in the Topic field on the search page. You can also use these terms in advanced search; separate the terms using the OR Boolean operator.
Disease Affiliation
Use these terms in advanced search using the TS and DS field tags. |
Sequence Type Affiliations
Use these terms in advanced search using the TS field tag.
- amino acid sequence
- nucleotide sequence
- sugar sequence
Institution Types
Use these terms in advanced search using the TS and AD field tags.
- company
- organization
- educational institution
- government agency
New Taxon Indicators
Use these terms in the Topic and Taxonomic Data search fields. You can also use them in advanced search using the TS and TA field tags. |
Parts, Structures, and Systems / Organ System Modifiers
Use these terms in advanced search using the TS and PS field tags. | ||