Advanced Search Field Tags

Use these two-character field tags to return more relevant results when building advanced search queries.

Field Tag

AN=Assignee Name Searches for assignee names in the Assignee(s) field within a patent record.
AC=Assignee Code Searches the Code(s) field within a patent record.
AE=Assignee Name + Code Searches the Patent Assignee Name(s) and Code(s) field within a patent record.
AU=Inventor Searches for names in the Inventor Name(s) field within a patent record.
CAC=Cited Assignee Searches the Patent Assignee Name(s) and Code(s) field within a cited patent record.
CPC=Cited Assignee Code Searches the Code(s) field within a cited patent record.
CD=Cited PAN Searches the Derwent Primary Accession Number field within a cited patent record.
CAU=Cited Inventor Searches for names in the Inventor Name(s) field within a cited patent record.
CN=Cited Assignee Name Searches the Patent Assignee Name(s) field within a cited patent record.
CP=Cited Patent Number Searches the Patent Number(s) field within a cited patent record.
CX=CP + Family Searches the Patent Number(s) field within a cited patent family. A patent family is a set of individual patents granted by various countries. Think of a patent family as all the equivalent patent applications corresponding to a single invention, covering different geographical regions.
DCN=Derwent Compound Number Searches the Derwent Compound Number field within a patent record.
DC=Class Code Searches the Derwent Class field within a patent record.
DCR=DCR Number Searches the Derwent Chemistry Resource Number field within a patent record.
DRN=Derwent Registry Number Searches the Derwent Registry Number field within a patent record.
PAN=Derwent Prim. Access. No. Searches the Derwent Primary Accession Number field within a patent record. For example, GA=1999-527918 finds this patent record.
IP=IPC Searches the International Patent Classification (IPC) field within a patent record.
MAN=Derwent Manual Code Searches the Derwent Manual Code(s) field within a patent record.
PN=Patent Number Searches the Patent Number(s) field within a patent record.
RIN=Ring Index Number Searches the Ring Index field within a patent record.
TI=Title Searches the Title field within a patent record.
TS=Topic Searches for topic terms in the Title and Abstract fields within a patent record.