Export Records
When you open a record, you can export the information in a number of available formats. You may see any or all of the options describe in the following sections.

- This feature allows you to export records to your EndNote library. To use this feature, you must be a registered user of Web of Science and you must sign in.
- Select the record(s) to include in the output.
- Select the data to include in each record.
- Select Save to EndNote Online from the menu to save selected records to your online library in EndNote. If you have not yet created a library, clicking this button will automatically create one for you.
- After you save the records, click the Back to Results link that appears at the top-left side of the page to return to the previous page.
To view all the records in your EndNote library, click the EndNote link that appears in the menu bar at the top of any page on the Web of Science. To view a specific record in your EndNote library, click the EN icon that appears to the left of a record.

This feature allow you to export selected records to your desktop version of EndNote. You can also use this feature to export records to Reference Manager.
Select the record(s) to include in the output.
Select the data to include in each record.
Select Save EndNote Desktop from the menu to open a processing overlay and to launch the export application.
If you have installed more than one reference program, then you will be prompted to select a program before you can select a reference library.
Open a reference library when the Select a Reference Library dialog box to export the records.
ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper
When you install one of our reference programs such as EndNote or Reference Manager, the system automatically installs the ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper plug-in. The plug-in opens a dialog window on the Processing Records (Send Records to ... ) page that allows you to select a reference program (if more than one is installed) and a reference library.
To remove the Export Helper plug-in, select the Remove Programs option in Control Panel.

This feature allows you to claim published works on your Publons profile. Claiming your publications simultaneously attributes them to you in the Web of Science. It also updates your publication list and citation counts on your Publons profile so others can see your publications next to your peer review and journal editing history.
- Select the record(s) you want to include on your Publons publication list.
- Select Claim on Publons - Track Citations from the menu.
- A message appears asking you to certify you are the author of the selected document(s). If you're currently signed in, the system takes you to your Publons dashboard. There, you can confirm the publications you want to claim.
If you're not signed in, click Sign into Publons. Type your username and password and click Continue. Publons will prompt you to confirm the publications you're claiming and adding to your profile. If you're not a registered Publons member, click Register with Publons to create a free account. Type a valid email address and click Continue to complete registration.

This is a tagged plain text file using 2-character field tags. The system saves the document as a text file (for example, savedrecs.txt). You can also open your saved document using any text editor or word processing too.

Each field is prefaced by the RIS field tags. The system saves the document as a text file (for example, savedrecs.txt). This RIS file is suitable for importing into many bibliographic management tools, such as RefWorks or EndNote. You can also open your saved document using any text editor or word processing tool.

You can save your records into a Microsoft(R) Excel file, which can be opened in Excel and many spreadsheet tools, such as Google Sheets.

This export option is offered for subscribers to InCites, and is available in Web of Science Core Collection. You can export records as a data set to be analyzed in the InCites platform.

This option creates a PDF file containing the selected publications in a format established by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). CVN stands for normalized curriculum vitae.

You can save reaction records to an RD (reaction-data file) file from the Reaction Results page. An RD file consists of a set of editable records. Each record defines a molecule or reaction and its associated data.
You can open an RD file in WordPad or you can use any chemical software tool to import the file.

You can save compound records to an SD (structure-data file) file from the Compound Results page. An SD file contains the compound's connection table, along with associated data for one or more compounds.
You can open an SD file in WordPad or you can use any chemical software tool to import the file.

Here is a list of all possible export tags from all the databases provided in Web of Science. Note that not all these tags will be represented in any single exported file
A2 |
Other Abstract |
AA |
Additional Authors |
AB |
Abstract / BHTD Critical Abstract |
AD |
Application Details and Date |
AE |
Patent Assignee |
AF |
Author Full Names |
AK |
Abstract (Korean) |
AN |
Accession Number or PubMedID |
AR |
Article Number |
AU |
Authors or Inventors |
AW |
Item URL |
BA |
Book Authors |
BD |
Broad Descriptors or Broad Terms |
BE |
Book Editor |
BF |
Book Author Full Names |
BN |
BP |
Start Page |
BS |
Book Series Subtitle |
C1 |
Addresses |
C2 |
Address (non-English) |
C3 | Author Affiliations |
CA |
Group Authors |
CC |
Concept Codes or CABI Codes |
CE |
Edition |
CH |
Chemicals & Biochemicals |
CI |
Derwent Compound Number |
CL |
Conference Location |
CN |
CAS Registry Numbers; Commercial Names; Chemical |
CO |
CP |
Cited Patent(s) |
CR |
Cited References |
CT |
Conference Title |
CY |
Conference Date |
D2 |
Book DOI |
DA |
Date of Export |
DC |
Derwent Class Code(s) |
DE |
Author Keywords; Descriptors |
DF |
Date Filed or Submitted |
DI |
DL | DOI Link |
DM |
Demography |
DN |
DCR Number |
DP |
Discipline; Diseases |
DS |
Designated States |
DT |
Document Type |
DY |
Data Type |
EA |
Early access date; Equivalent Abstract, Editor Address |
EC |
Category |
ED |
Editors |
EF |
End of File |
EI |
EM |
E-mail Address |
EP |
End Page |
ER |
End of Record |
EY |
Early access year |
FD |
Further Application Details |
FN |
File Name |
FP | Funding Name Preferred |
FS | Field of Search |
FT | Foreign Title |
FU | Funding Orgs |
FX | Funding Text |
GA | IDS Number |
GE | Geographic Data |
GI | Grant Information |
GN | Gene Name |
GP | Group Authors |
GS | Geospatial |
GT | Time |
HC | Highly Cited Status |
HO | Conference Host |
HP | Hot Paper Status |
ID | Keywords; Identifying Codes |
IO | Issuing Organization |
IP | International Patent Classification |
IS | Issue |
IV | Investigators |
J9 | Journal Abbreviation |
JC | NLM Unique ID |
JI | Journal ISO Abbreviation |
LA | Language |
LS | Language of Summary |
LT | Literature Type |
MA | Meeting Abstract |
MC | Major Concepts or Derwent Manual Code(s) |
ME | Medium |
MH | MeSH Terms |
MI | Miscellaneous Descriptors |
MN | Markush Number |
MQ | Methods & Equipment |
NM | Personal Name Subject |
NO | Comments, Corrections, Erratum |
NP | Named Person |
NR | Cited Reference Count |
NT | Notes |
OA | Open Access Designations |
OB | Record Owner |
OC | Country of Original Patent Application Number |
OD | Method |
OI | ORCID numbers |
OP | Original Patent Application Number |
OR | Organism Descriptors; Systematics |
OS | Original Source |
P1 | Part Number |
P2 | Chapter Count |
PA | Publisher Address |
PC | Country of Patent |
PD | Publication Date; Patent Details |
PE | Published Electronically |
PG | Number of Pages |
PI | Publisher City; Patent Priority Information |
PM | PubMedID |
PN | Part Number; Patent Number |
PR | Parts, Structures & Systems; Price |
PS | Pages |
PT | Publication Type |
PU | Publisher |
PV | Place of Publication |
PY | Publication Year |
RC | Date Created, Date Completed, Date Revised |
RG | Derwent Registry Number |
RI | ResearcherIDs; Ring Index Number |
RP | Reprint Address |
S1 | Source Title (non-English) |
SA | Status |
SC | Research Areas |
SD | Molecular Sequence Data |
SE | Book Series Title; Series |
SF | Space Flight Mission |
SI | Special Issue |
SO | Source Title |
SP | Conference Sponsors |
SS | FSTA Section/Subsection; Citation Subset |
ST | Super Taxa |
SU | Supplement; Research Area |
TA | Taxonomic Data |
TC | Times Cited Count |
TF | Technology Focus Abstract |
TI | Article Title |
TL | Country of Translation |
TM | Geologic Time Data |
TN | Taxa Notes |
TR | Translators |
TS | Translated Source |
U1 | 180 Day Usage Count |
U2 | Since 2013 Usage Count |
UC | Document Selection URL |
UR | URL |
UT | Accession Number |
VL | Volume |
VN | Version |
VR | Version Number |
WC | Web of Science Subject Categories |
WE | Web of Science Index |
WP | Publisher Web Address |
X1 | Article Title (non-English) |
X2 | Article Title (Transliterated) |
X4 | Spanish Abstract |
X5 | Spanish Author Keywords |
Y1 | Portuguese Document Title |
Y4 | Portuguese Abstract |
Y5 | Author Keywords (non-English); Portuguese Author Keywords |
Z1 | Article Title (Other Languages) |
Z2 | Authors (non-English) |
Z3 | Publication Name (Chinese) |
Z4 | Abstract (non-English) |
Z5 | Author Keywords (non-English) |
Z6 | Author Address (non-English) |
Z7 | E-mail Address (non-English) |
Z8 | CSCD Times Cited Count |
Z9 | Times Cited, All Databases |
ZK | Author Keywords (Korean) |