Full Record Page
View all of the information about a record that is contained in the product database. The title of the document appears at the top of the page. There are a number of options for interacting within a record.

If you have OpenURL links enabled, a button is provided for every item to access the links resolver which can link you to the Full Text.

You can set up links to navigate back and forth between Web of Science Core Collection records and the full-text publications to which your institution subscribes.
To activate and manage full text links, go to the Links website.
Note: A full-text link may not work because there is not enough information in the record to match the source publication.

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When you mark a record from a product's Results or Full Record page, the system adds that record to the product's Marked List and to the All Databases Marked List. The record will contain all data associated with the record and it is linked to the Full Record page.
Marked List Count
The number of records that you can add to the Marked List is 50,000 records. You can select up to 50,000 records for a single product or you can split the number among all products in your subscription.For example, if you have a subscription to Web of Science Core Collection and BIOSIS Citation Index, then you can add 30,000 records to your Web of Science Marked List and 20,000 records to your BIOSIS Citation Index Marked List or vice-versa.

The Times Cited count is the number of articles in the database that cite the current article. Click the number to go to the list of citing articles.

The Usage Count is a measure of the level of interest in a specific item on the Web of Science platform. The count reflects the number of times the article has met a user’s information needs as demonstrated by clicking links to the full-length article at the publisher’s website (via direct link or Open-Url) or by saving the article for use in a bibliographic management tool (via direct export or in a format to be imported later). The Usage Count is a record of all activity performed by all Web of Science users, not just activity performed by users at your institution. Usage Counts for different versions of the same item on the Web of Science platform are unified. Usage Counts are updated daily.
Last 180 days. This is the count of the number of times the full text of a record has been accessed or a record has been saved in the last 180 days. This count can move up or down as the end date of the fixed period advances.
Since 2013. This is the count of the number of times the full text of a record has been accessed or a record has been saved since February 1, 2013. This count can increase or remain static over time.

To create a citation alert for the current record, click the Create Citation Alert button in the right-hand column of the Full Record page.
A citation alert emails you whenever a document you specify is cited by a new article. To access your alerts, from the Web of Science homepage, click Searches and Alerts > Citation Alerts. From here, you can view how many times someone cited the document, turn alerts off and on, and if you want, remove an alert.

The Cited References count displays the number of documents cited by the current record. Click the link to view the list of cited references. From there you can view the full record of each cited reference. (Access to the full records of cited references may be limited to your institution's subscription.)

To view records that share cited references with the record you are viewing in the current database, click the View Related Records link. Read more about related records.