Advanced Search Examples
Search for records by using field tags, set combinations or a combination of both. Search operators and wildcards are allowed.
Search Query Rules
- Each search term in the query must be explicitly tagged with a field tag. Different fields must be connected with search operators.
- Extraneous spaces are ignored by the product. For example, extra spaces around opening and closing parentheses ( ) and equal (=) signs are ignored.
- For set combinations, enter a number (#) sign before each set number in the query.
- Only use SAME in Address searches. When used in other searches (such as Topic), SAME works exactly like AND.
- The total number of search sets that you can create during a session is 200.
To search on the words AND, OR, NOT, and NEAR, enclose the word in quotation marks. Example: "Or"

Example | Results Description |
AD=Max Planck | Finds records in which Max Planck appears in the Address field |
AD=(Max Planck SAME Mainz) | Finds records in which Max Planck appears in the same address as Mainz |
AI=(A-1009-2008 OR 0000-0002-1553-596X) | Finds records in which either the Researcher ID A-1009-2008 or the ORCID identifier 0000-0002-1553-596X appears in the Author Identifiers table |
AI=(A-1009-2008 OR 0000-0002-1553-596X) |
Finds records in which either the Researcher ID A-1009-2008 or the ORCID identifier 0000-0002-1553-596X appears in the Author Identifiers table Finds records in which both Khan E and Dickinson J both appear in the author list. |
ALL=liver disease india singh | Finds records with all of these terms anywhere in the full record |
AU=Zhang Xing | Finds records of articles written by this author. |
AU=Chen J* NOT AD=China | Finds records in which Chen J (including Chen, Jiaji; Chen, Jun-Yuan; Chen, Jian; Chen, Jian-Xiu; and so on) is an author, but excludes records in which China appears in the Address field. |
CF=(Component Engineering AND Canada AND 2004) | Finds records in which the following conference information appears in the Conference Information field. |
CI=Philadelphia | Finds records in which this city appears in the Addresses field. |
CU=Canada | Finds records in which this country appears in the Addresses field. |
DO=10.1056/NEJMoa* OR DO=10.1016/S0140-6736* | Finds records that begin with either DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number. |
ED=Korczyn AD | Finds records of articles that were reviewed by this editor. |
FG=IRG-58-00* |
Finds records in which this grant number appears in the Grant Number field within the Funding Acknowledgment table. For example:
FO=Academy of Natural Sciences |
Finds records in which the name of this organization appears in the Funding Agency field within the Funding Acknowledgment table. For example:
FT=Shanxi Normal University | finds records in which Shanxi Normal University appears in the Funding Text field. |
GP=Magic Collaboration | Finds records in which this group author appears in the Group Author(s) field. |
GP=Parkinson Study Grp | Finds records in which this book group author appears in the Group Author(s) field within a record. |
GP=Primate Society of Great Britain | Finds records of documents authored by the Primate Society of Great Britain. |
IS=1367-4803 |
Finds records of publications such as journals and electronic publications that contains this ISSN number in the ISSN field within a record. The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) searches for periodical publications such as journals and electronic publications. If a journal has both a print ISSN and an electronic ISSN, then both display in the Full Record. The format is four numbers, a hyphen (-), three numbers, and then a check character that may be a number or X. |
IS=978-0-387-36949-5 |
Finds records of books that contains this ISBN number in the ISBN field within a record. The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) searches for books. It is a unique machine-readable identifier that marks a book unmistakably. The format is a 10-digit number that contains 3 hyphens (-). The last digit is a check character, which may be a number or an X. The position of the hyphens can vary for each ISBN identifier. |
OG=Cornell University |
Finds all records that contain this preferred organization name and all its name variants, such as:
OG=Cornell Law Sch | A search on a name variant returns all records that contain the variant. For example, Cornell Law Sch returns all records that contain Cornell Law Sch in the Addresses field. |
OG=(Japan Science "and" Technology Agency (JST)) | When searching for organization names that contain a Boolean (AND, NOT, NEAR, and SAME), always enclose the word in quotation marks ( " " ). |
PS=NY | Finds records in which this state (New York) appears in the Addresses field. |
PY=2007 AND SO=Well Being |
Finds records of articles that appear in Well Being published in 2007. When searching by publication year, you must combine the PY= field tag with another field tag using the AND or NOT Boolean operator. Example: TS=cell growth AND PY=2007 When entering a range of years, restrict your search to five years or less; otherwise, processing slows down and the product returns too many unproductive results. Example: TS=cell growth AND PY=(2008-2010) |
PY=2007 AND SO=Journal of Cell Science |
Finds records of articles that appear in the Journal of Cell Science published in 2007. When searching by publication year, you must combine the PY= field tag with another field tag using the AND or NOT Boolean operator. Example: TS=cell growth AND PY=2007 When entering a range of years, restrict your search to five years or less; otherwise, processing slows down and the product returns too many unproductive results. Example: TS=cell growth AND PY=(2008-2010) |
SA=Rockville Pike | Finds records in which this street address appears in the Addresses field of a Full Record. |
SG=Dept Biochem | Finds records in which this sub-organization appears in the Addresses field of a Full Record. |
SO=Nature AND TS=Amphibian* | Finds records of articles that appear in the journal Nature that contain the term amphibian. |
SO=Nature AND TS=Amphibian* AND PY=2001 | Finds records of articles published in the journal Nature in 2001 that contain the term amphibian. |
SO=Odonatologica AND TI=damselfly AND PY=2000-2007 | Finds records of articles from the journal Odonatologica published from 2000 to 2007 whose title contains the word damselfly. |
SO=Well Being AND TS=Child* | Finds records of articles that appear in the journal called Well Being that contains the Topic term child (or children). |
SO=Liver Transplantation* AND DT=Book | Finds the book called Liver Transplantation: Challenging Controversies and Topics when you restrict your search to the Book document type in the Web of Science Core Collection. |
SO=Liver Transplantation* AND DT=Book Chapter | Finds all chapters in the book called Liver Transplantation: Challenging Controversies and Topics when you restrict your search to the Book Chapter document type in the Web of Science Core Collection. |
SU=Computer Science |
finds records in which this term appears in the Research Areas field of a Full Record. These records may also include other research areas such as:
SU=Mathematical & Computational Biology OR SU=Mathematics |
Finds records in which either or both research areas appear within the Research Area field in a Full Record. These records may also include other research areas such as:
TI=succinic acid | finds records in which the terms succinic and acid appear in the title. |
TI="succinic acid" | finds records in which the exact phrase succinic acid appears in the title. |
TI=(Sanit* AND (Fruit* OR Vegetable*)) | Finds records of articles containing the terms sanitary, sanitize, or sanitizing and either the terms fruit (or fruits) or vegetable (or vegetables) in the title of an article. |
TS=(Fish AND Batter* AND Chip*) | Finds records containing the terms fish and batter (or batters and battered) and chip (or chips) in the Abstract, Title, or Keywords fields of a record. |
TS=(Quark* AND Lepton*) AND #1 NOT #3 | Finds records containing the terms quark (or quarks) and lepton (or leptons and leptonic) that also contain the search terms found in set #1, but excludes all records that contain the search terms found in set #3. |
TS=(Sul*ur AND Nitra*) AND #1 | Finds records containing the terms sulfur (or sulphur) and nitrate (or nitrates) that also contain the search terms found in set #1. |
TS=(sleep AND winter) AND #1 NOT #2 |
Finds all records containing the search terms sleep and winter that also contain the search terms found in set #1, but excludes all records that contain the search terms found in set #2. |
TS="Monte Carlo simulation" |
finds records of articles containing the exact phrase Monte Carlo simulation in a Topic field. |
TS=Monte Carlo simulation | finds records of publications containing the terms Monte, Carlo and simulation in any Topic field. The terms do not have to appear together in the same field. |
TS=walrus AND BT=skeleton | Finds records in which walrus is the Topic term and skeleton is in the Broad Terms field. |
UT=WOS:A1991FV12500042 | Finds the record that is associated with this unique accession number. |
UT=WOS:0002929129* |
Finds all records that begin with this accession number. The use of the asterisk (*) wildcard after the last digit increases the number of results that the product returns. For example:
UT=*1991FV125000* | Finds all records that contain these characters in the accession number. Using both left-hand and right-hand truncation (before the first digit and after the last digit) increases the number of results that the product returns. |
WC=Agricultural Engineering OR WC=Agriculture, Multidisciplinary |
Finds records of publications in which either term or both terms appear in the Web of Science Categories field within a record. For the list of Web of Science Subject Categories see Web of Science Core Collection Overview |
WC=(Archaeology NOT Anthropology) |
Finds records of publications in which the term Archaeology appears in the Web of Science Categories field within a record, but all records in which the term Anthropology appears in the Web of Science Categories field are excluded from the search. For the list of Web of Science Subject Categories see Web of Science Core Collection Overview |

Example | Results Description |
AD=(Div* of Botany AND Zoology SAME Australian Nat*) | Finds records in which the address names Division of Botany and Zoology appear in the same sentence as the address name Australian National University. For example: Division of Botany and Zoology, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, 0200, Australia. |
AI=(A-1009-2008 OR 0000-0002-1553-596X) | Finds records in which either the Researcher ID A-1009-2008 or the ORCID identifier 0000-0002-1553-596X appears in the Author Identifiers table |
AU=(Khan E* AND Dickinson J*) | Finds records in which both Khan E and Dickinson J both appear in the author list. |
CR=14265-44-2 | Finds records that contains this CAS Registry Number within the Chemical Data table. |
CB=Glycine AND TI=Mutation | Finds records that contain the term mutation in the title and the term glycine within the Chemical Data table. |
CC=(Poultry AND Eggs) NOT TS=chick* | Finds records in which the major concepts poultry and eggs appear in the Concept Code field of a record, but records containing chicks, chicken, and chickens are excluded. |
CH=(Hemoglobin AND glucose) AND DS=diabetes | Finds records in which the chemical names hemoglobin and glucose appear in the Chemical Data table and the term diabetes (or diabetes mellitus) appears in the Disease Data table. |
CR=14265-44-2 | Finds records that contains this CAS Registry Number within the Chemical Data table |
DE=(Goat Farming) | Finds records that have the term goat farming listed as a Miscellaneous Descriptor. |
ED=Korczyn AD | Finds records of articles that were reviewed by this editor. |
GE=Argentina AND GT=(Early Eocene) | Finds records which have the term Argentina in the Geographic Data table and Early Eocene in the Geologic Time Data table. |
GN=(Frizzled Homolog) | Finds records which have the gene name variant Frizzled Homolog listed in the Gene Name Data table. |
GP=Merck | Finds records in which this group author appears in the Group Author(s) field within a record. |
IC=173* | Finds records which contain any codes beginning with the digits 173, including (but not limited to) ISSN, ISBN, Concept Codes, Patent Class, Patent Number, etc. |
IS=1367-4803 |
Finds records of publications such as journals and electronic publications that contains this ISSN number in the ISSN field within a record. The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) searches for periodical publications such as journals and electronic publications. If a journal has both a print ISSN and an electronic ISSN, then both display in the Full Record. The format is four numbers, a hyphen (-), three numbers, and then a check character that may be a number or X. |
MC=Biogeography AND TA=Parrot | Finds records which have Biogeography listed as a Major Concept and the term Parrot listed in the Taxonomic Data table |
MQ=(Neon Laser) AND DE=Cancer | Finds records which have Neon Laser listed in the Methods and Equipment Data table and the term Cancer listed in the Disease Data table. |
PSD=(Organelles AND Digestive System) | Finds records which have the terms Organelles and Digestive System listed Neon Laser listed in the Parts and Structures Data table. |
PY=2007 AND SO=Journal of Cell Science |
Finds records of articles that appear in the Journal of Cell Science published in 2007. When searching by publication year, you must combine the PY= field tag with another field tag using the AND or NOT Boolean operator. Example: TS=cell growth AND PY=2007 When entering a range of years, restrict your search to five years or less; otherwise, processing slows down and the product returns too many unproductive results. Example: TS=cell growth AND PY=(2008-2010) |
SO=Nature AND TS=Amphibian* | Finds records of articles that appear in the journal Nature that contain the term amphibian. |
SO=Nature AND TS=Amphibian* AND PY=2001 | Finds records of articles published in the journal Nature in 2001 that contain the term amphibian. |
SO=Journal of Cell Science AND TI=canc* | Finds records of articles that appear in the Journal of Cell Science that contain the words cancer, cancerous, carcinogen, etc. |
SQ=DQ456865 | Finds records of articles that list the accession number in the Sequence Data table. |
SU=Computer Science |
finds records in which this term appears in the Research Areas field of a Full Record. These records may also include other research areas such as: Chemistry Computer Science Mathematics Zoology For a list of research areas, see Research Areas. |
SU=Mathematical & Computational Biology OR SU=Mathematics |
Finds records in which either or both research areas appear within the Research Area field in a Full Record. These records may also include other research areas such as: Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Zoology See also Research Areas |
TA=Mytilus edulis | Finds records in which the organism name Mytilus edulis (variant name is mussel) appears in the Taxonomic Data table. |
TI=succinic acid | finds records in which the terms succinic and acid appear in the title. |
TI="succinic acid" | finds records in which the exact phrase succinic acid appears in the title. |
TI=(sul*ur AND denitri*) | Finds records containing the search terms sulfur (or sulphur) and denitrification (or denitrify, denitrifying, etc.) in the title of an article. |
TS=Monte Carlo simulation | finds records of publications containing the terms Monte, Carlo and simulation in any Topic field. The terms do not have to appear together in the same field. |
TS="Monte Carlo simulation" | finds records of articles containing the exact phrase Monte Carlo simulation in a Topic field. |
TS=(sul*ur AND nitra* AND denitri*) | Finds records containing the search terms sulfur (or sulphur) and nitrate (or nitrates) and denitrification (or denitrify, denitrifying, etc.). |
TS=(sul*ur AND nitra*) AND #1 | Finds records containing the search terms sulfur (or sulphur) and nitrate (or nitrates) that also contain the search terms found in set #1. |
TS=biodeterioration AND #1 NOT #3 | Finds records containing the search term biodeterioration that also contain the search terms found in set #1, but excludes all records that contain the search terms found in set #3. |
UT=BACD201000040692 | Finds the record that is associated with this unique accession number. |
UT=BACD200900153* |
Finds all records that begin with this accession number. The use of the asterisk (*) wildcard after the last digit increases the number of results that the product returns. For example: BIOAB:BACD200900153450 BIOAB:BACD200900153451 BIOAB:BACD200900153452 |
UT=*04000469* | Finds all records that contain these characters in the accession number. Using both left-hand and right-hand truncation (before the first digit and after the last digit) increases the number of results that the product returns. |