Clarivate 會將縮寫地址字詞對應至已知的完整地址字詞,反之亦然。這可讓您使用縮寫地址字詞或是完整地址字詞,來檢索包含 縮寫字詞與完整字詞的記錄。
- Astron 會在「地址」欄位中尋找 Astron,但不會尋找 Astronomy
- Constr 會在「地址」欄位中尋找 Constr,但不會尋找 Construction
- Oper 會在「地址」欄位中尋找 Oper,但不會尋找 Operating
檢索地址欄位時,請輸入 縮寫字詞與完整字詞,以擷取包含其中任一個字詞的記錄。例如,Astron OR Astronomy

- Ave 會對應至 Avenue,而 Avenue 則對應至 Ave
- Med 會對應至 Medicine、Medical 與 Medicinal,而這三個字詞則會對應至 Med 與彼此
- Pkwy 會對應至 Parkway,而 Parkway 則會對應至 Pkwy
- Univ 會對應至 University,而 University 則對應至 Univ

A-D | E-K | L-P | Q-Z |
Abteilung | East | Laboratory, Laboratories, Labs | Quimica |
Abt | E | Lab | Quim |
Academy, Academic | Economy, Economist | Laboratory, Laboratories | Road |
Acad | Econ | Labs | Rd |
Akademy, Akad, Academic | Education, Educational | Laboratories | Recherche |
Academy | Educ | Laboratory | Rech |
Accident | Educational | Lecture | Rehabilitation |
Accid | Education | Lect | Rehabil |
Administration, Administrative | Electroencephalographic, Eelectroencephalography | Library | Reproduction, Reproductive |
Adm | EEG | Lib | Reprod |
Administrative | Electroencephalography | Limited | Reproductive |
Administration | Electroencephalographic | Ltd | Reproduction |
Advance(d) | Egyetem | Maladies | Research |
Adv | Egyet | Malad | Res |
Aerospace | Electric, Electrical, Electricity, Electronic, Electronics | Material | Respiratory |
Aerosp | Elect | Mat | Resp |
Agency | Electrical, Electricity, Electronic, Electronics | Matematicky | Ricerca, Ricerche |
Agcy | Electric | Matemat | Ric |
Agriculture, Agricultural | Electricity, Electronic, Electronics | Mathematics, Mathematical | Ricerche |
Agr | Electrical | Math | Ricerca |
Agricultural | Electronic, Electronics | Mathematical | South |
Agriculture | Electricity | Mathematics | S |
Academic | Electronics | Mechanical, Mechanics, Mechanism | Sanatorium |
Akad | Electronic | Mech | Sanat |
America(n) | Elektrische, Elektrizitat, Elektronik, Elektroniks | Mechanics, Mechanism | Sanitary |
Amer | Elekt | Mechanical | Sanit |
Analysis | Elektrizitat, Elektronik, Elektroniks, | Mechanism | School |
Anal | Elektrische | Mechanics | Sch |
Anatomy, Anatomie, Anatomia | Elektronik, Elektroniks, | Medicine, Medical, Medicinal, Meditskkaya, Medizin | Science, Scientific |
Anat | Elektrizitat | Med | Sci |
Anatomie, Anatomia | Elektroniks | Medical, Medicinal, Meditskkaya, Medizin | Scientific |
Anatomy | Elektronic | Medicine | Science |
Anatomia | Engenharia | Medical, Medicinal, Meditskkaya, Medizin | Southeast, Southeastern |
Anatomie | Engineering | Medicine | Se |
Angewandte | Engineering | Medicinal, Meditskkaya, Medizin | Southeastern |
Angew | Engn | Medical | Southeast |
Animal | Environment, Environmental, Environment | Meditskkaya, Medizin | Semiconductor |
Anim | Environm | Medicinal | Semicond |
Apparatus | Environmental, Environment | Medizin | Service |
Apparat | Environment | Meditskkaya | Serv |
Applied | Establishment, Establissement | Memorial | Southern |
Appl | Estab | Mem | So |
Arthritis | Etablissement | Metal, Metallurgy, Metallurgical | Society |
Arthrit | Establishment | Met | Soc |
Association | Etablissement | Metallurgy, Metallurgical | Spectroscopy |
Assoc | Etab | Metal | Spect |
Augenklinik | Étude | Metallurgical | Square |
Augenklin | Etud | Metallurgy | Sq |
Avenue | Experiment, Experimental | Metabolic, Metabolism | Saint, Street |
Ave | Expt | Metab | St |
Behavior, Behavioral, Behaviour, Behavioural | Experimental | Metabolism | Standard, Standards |
Behav | Experiment | Metabolic | Stand |
Behavioral, Behaviour, Behavioural | Faculty | Manufacturing | Standards |
Behavior | Fac | Mfg | Standard |
Behavioural | Fakultat | Military | Statistics, Statistical |
Behaviour | Fak | Mil | Stat |
Behavioural | Farmacia | Mining | Statistical |
Behaviour | Farm | Min | Statistics |
Biochemistry | Foundation, Fundacion | Ministry | Station |
Biochem | Fdn | Minist | Stn |
Biology, Biologie, Biologia | Fundacion | Marketing | Strada, Strasse, Straat |
Biol | Foundation | Mkt | Str |
Biologie, Biologia | Federal | Molecular, Molecule, Molekular | Structure, Structural |
Biology | Fed | Mol | Struct |
Biologia | Fisica | Molekular | Structural |
Biologie | Fis | Molecule | Structure |
Building | Forschung | Mount, Mountain | Substance, Substances |
Bldg | Forsch | Mt | Subst |
Boulevard | Fort | Mountain | Substances |
Blvd | Ft | Mount | Substance |
Botany, Bontanic, Botanical | Fysica | North | Superior |
Bot | Fys | N | Super |
Bontanic, Botanical | General | National, Nazionale, Nacional, Nazl, Nacl | Surgery, Surgeon, Surgeons |
Botany | Gen | Natl | Surg |
Botanical | Gesellschaft | Nazionale, Nacional, Nazl, Nacl | Surgeons |
Botanic | Gesell | National | Surgeon |
Brothers | Geology | Nacional, Nazl, Nacl | Southwest, Southwestern |
Bros | Geol | Nazionale | Sw |
Bureau | Government | Nazl, Nacl | Southwestern |
Bur | Govt | Nacional | Southwest |
Cancer | Graduate | Nature, Natural | Synthesis |
Canc | Grad | Nat | Synth |
Central | Group, Gruppe | Natural | System, Systems |
Cent | Grp | Nature | Syst |
Chemistry, Chemie | Gruppe | Navigation, Navigational | Systems |
Chem | Group | Nav | System |
Chemie | Hogeskole | Navigational | Tuberculosis |
Chemistry | Hgsk | Navigation | Tb |
Chimie | History, Historic, Historical | Northeast, Northeastern | Technical, Technische, Technique |
Chim | Hist | NE | Tech |
Chirurgie | Historic, Historical | Northern | Technische, Technique |
Chirurg | History | No | Technical |
Cientificas | Historical | Northeastern | Technique |
Cient | Historic | Northeast | Technische |
Clinic, Clinical | Health | Northwestern | Telephone |
Clin | Hlth | Northwest | Tel |
Clinical | Hospital | Nuclear | Temperature |
Clinic | Hop | Nucl | Temp |
Company | Horticulture, Horticultural | Nuklear | Territory, Terrestrial |
Co | Hort | Nukl | Terr |
College | Horticultural | Nutrition | Textile, Textiles |
Coll | Horticulture | Nutr | Text |
Comite | Hospital | Northwest, Northwestern | Textiles |
Com | Hosp | NW | Textile |
Committee | Hochschule | Observatory | Tudomanyos, |
Comm | Hsch | Observ | Tud |
Communication | Heights | Obstetrics | University |
Commun | Hts | Obstet | Univ |
Computer, Computing | Husbandry | Office | Vascular |
Comp | Husb | Off | Vasc |
Computing | Hygiene | Organization, Organizational | Veterinary, Veterns |
Computer | Hyg | Org | Vet |
Conference | Immunology | Organizational | West |
Conf | Immunol | Organization | W |
Corporation, Corporate | Incorporated | Ospedale | Weapons |
Corp | Inc | Osped | Weap |
Corporate | Industry, Industrial | Paediatric,Paediatrics, Pediatric, Pediatrics | Welfare |
Corporation | Ind | Paediat | Welf |
Compounds | Industrial | Paediatrics, Pediatric, Pediatrics | Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftes, Wissenschafter, Wissenschaften |
Cpds | Industry | Paediatric | Wissensch |
Center | Infectious | Pediatrics | Wissenschaftes, Wissenschafter, Wissenschaften |
Ctr | Infect | Pediatric | Wissenschaft |
County | Infirmary | Petroleum | Wissenschafter, Wissenschaften |
Cty | Infirm | Petr | Wissenschaftes |
Cytology, Cytologie, Cytologi | Ingegneria, Ingenieria, Ingenieurwesen | Pharmacy | Wissenschaften |
Cytol | Ingn | Pharm | Wissenschafter |
Cytologie, Cytologi | Ingenieria, Ingenieurwesen | Physical, Physics, Physician, Physicians | Zentral |
Cytology | Ingegneria | Phys | Zent |
Cytologi | Ingenieurwesen | Park | |
Cytologie | Ingenieria | Pk | |
Defence or Defense | Institute, Ist, Istituto, Institutional | Parkway | |
Def | Inst | Pkwy | |
Dental, Dentistry | Ist, Istituto, Institutional | Place, Platz, Pleain | |
Dent | Institute | Pl | |
Dentistry | Istituto, Institutional | Platz, Pleain | |
Dental | Isit | Place | |
Department | Institutional | Plein | |
Dept | Istituto | Platz | |
Deutsche, Deutsches, Deutschen, Deutscher, Deutschem, | International, Intezet | Process, Processing | |
Deutsch | Int | Proc | |
Deutsches, Deutschen, Deutscher, Deutschem | Introduction | Processing | |
Deutsche | Intro | Process | |
Deutschen, Deutscher, Deutschem | Investigation, Investigational | Products, Production | |
Deutsches | Invest | Prod | |
Deutscher, Deutschem | Investigational | Production | |
Deutschen | Investigation | Products | |
Deutschem | Island | Professor | |
Deutscher | Isl | Prof | |
Development, Developmental | Junior | Propulsion | |
Dev | Jr | Prop | |
Developmental | Kardiologie | Protein | |
Development | Kardiol | Prot | |
Diabet | Kemiai | Province, Provincial | |
Diabet | Kem | Prov | |
Diagnosis | Klinik | Provincial | |
Diag | Klin | Province | |
Disease, Diseases | Konference, Konferenz | Psychiatry, Psychiatric | |
Dis | Konf | Psychiat | |
Diseases | Psychiatric | ||
Disease | Psychiatry | ||
District | Pulmonary | ||
Dist | Pulm | ||
Division | |||
Div | |||
Drive | |||
Dr |

地址的自動擴充功能不適用於多字詞。例如,輸入 AF 會擷取「地址」欄位中有出現 AF 字詞的記錄,但不會擷取「地址」欄位中有出現 Air Force 字詞的記錄,反之亦然。
- AFB 與 Air Force Base
- AIDS 與 Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
- PO 與 Post Office
- POB 與 Post Office Box
- US 與 United States
- Vet Adm 與 Veterans Administration
建立「地址」檢索條件時,建議您使用 OR 布林邏輯來連接輸入的縮寫字詞與完整字詞。例如,PO OR Post Office 會擷取地址欄位中包含 PO 或 Post Office 的所有記錄。

在產品中,當空間足夠時會完全拼出國家/地區名稱 (最多 15 個字元)。以下是用於名稱超過 15 個字元的國家/地區之縮寫:
國家或地區 | 縮寫 |
Antigua & Barbuda (安地卡及巴布達) | Antigua & Barbu |
Bosnia & Hercegovina (波士尼亞赫塞哥維納) | Bosnia & Herceg |
中非 | Cent Afr Republ |
多明尼加共和國 | Dominican Rep |
赤道幾內亞 | Equat Guinea |
French Austral Lands (法國南極領土) | Fr Austr Lands |
French Polynesia (法屬玻里尼西亞) | Fr Polynesia |
Malagasy Republic (馬拉加西共和國) | Malagasy Republ |
Mongolian People’s Republic (蒙古人民共和國) | Mongol Peo Rep |
Netherlands Antilles (荷屬安的列斯群島) | Neth Antilles |
Northern Ireland (北愛爾蘭) | North Ireland |
Papua New Guinea (巴布亞新幾內亞) | Papua N Guinea |
People’s Republic of China (中華人民共和國) | Peoples R China |
Republic of Georgia (喬治亞共和國) | Rep of Georgia |
Sao Tome E Principe (聖多美和普林西比) | Sao Tome E Prin |
Saint Kitts & Nevis (聖克里斯多福及尼維斯) | St Kitts & Nevi |
Trinidad & Tobago (千里達及托巴哥) | Trinid & Tobago |
阿拉伯聯合大公國 | U Arab Emirates |
美利堅合眾國 | USA |

在編寫地址檢索條件時,在「地址」欄位中輸入原始國家/地區名稱和新國家/地區名稱。For example, Cent Afr Empire OR Cent Afr Republ may increase the number of results that the system returns.
出版年 | 已新增 | 已刪除 | 已更正 | 已變更 |
2006 |
| - | - | - |
2002 | - | - | - | Tajikstan 變成 Tajikistan |
1999 | - | - | - | Hong Kong 變成 Peoples R China |
1994 |
| - |
1993 |
| USSR | - | - |
1991 | 德國 |
| - | - |
1989 |
| - | Leichtenstein 變成 Liechtenstein |