縮寫來檢索 FSTA 欄位
縮寫 | 主題或描述欄位 |
AAS | atomic absorption spectrometry (原子吸收分光光譜法) |
abstr. | 摘要 |
ACC | 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (1-胺基環丙烷-1-羧酸) |
ADI | acceptable daily intake (每日容許攝取量) |
AOAC | Association of Official Analytical Chemists (政府分析化學師協會) |
approx. | 約略 |
ARS | Agricultural Research Service (農業研究服務) |
atm | atmosphere (氣壓) |
aw | water activity (水活性) |
BHA | butylated hydroxyanisole (丁基化羥基茴香醚) |
BHT | butylated hydroxytoluene (丁基化羥基甲苯) |
bp | base pair(s) (鹼基對) |
b.p. | boiling point (沸點) |
Bq | Becquerel (貝克) |
BSE | bovine spongiform encephalopathy (牛海綿狀腦病) |
cal | calorie (卡路里) |
cfu | colony forming unit (菌落形成單位) |
Ci | curie (居禮) |
CJD | Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (庫賈氏病) |
CLA | conjugated linoleic acid (共軛亞麻仁油酸) |
coeff. | coefficient (係數) |
Co. | Company (公司) |
conc. | concentrated (濃縮) |
concn. | concentration (濃度) |
Corp. | Corporation |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (澳洲聯邦科學暨工業研究機構) |
cv. | cultivar (品種) |
Da | Dalton (道爾頓) |
DE | dextrose equivalent (葡萄糖當量) |
DFD | dark firm dry (暗乾肉) |
diam. | diameter (直徑) |
dil. | dilute (稀釋) |
DM | dry matter, Deutsche Mark (乾物質,德國馬克) |
DRV | dietary reference value (膳食營養素參考值) |
DSC | differential scanning calorimetry (熱示差掃描分析儀) |
E. | East, Eastern (東方、東部等) |
EC/EU | European Community/European Union (歐盟委員會/歐盟) |
ECD | electron capture detection (電子補集偵測器) |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (乙二胺四乙酸) |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (酵素連結免疫吸附分析法) |
EM | electron microscopy/micrograph(s) (電子顯微鏡/顯微照相) |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
FAO | Food & Agriculture Organization (糧食與農業組織) |
FDA | Food & Drug Administration (食品藥物管理局) |
FIA | flow injection analysis (流動注入分析法) |
FID | flame ionization detection (火焰游離偵測器) |
f.p. | freezing point (凝固點) |
FPD | flame photometric detection (火燄激發偵檢器) |
FTIR | Fourier transform IR (傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀) |
GC | gas chromatography (氣相層析儀) |
gn | gravity (重力) |
GLC | gas-liquid chromatography (氣相液相層析) |
GM/O | genetically modified/organism (基因改造生物) |
GRAS | generally regarded/recognized as safe (普遍視為安全的) |
h | hour (小時) |
ha | hectare (公頃) |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (危害分析重要管制點) |
HDPE | high density/polyethylene (高密度聚乙烯) |
hl | hectolitre (100 l) (公石 (100 l)) |
HPLC | high performance/pressure liquid chromatography (高效能液相層析法) |
HTST | high temperature short time (高溫瞬間殺菌) |
Hz | hertz (frequency cycle/s) (赫茲 (頻率週期/秒)) |
ICPMS | inductively coupled plasma MS (感應耦合電漿質譜分析儀) |
IEF | isoelectric focusing (等電焦集法) |
Inc. | Incorporated |
IR | infrared (紅外線) |
IU | international unit (國際單位) |
J | joule (焦耳) |
kb | kilobase(s) (千個鹼基) |
K | Kelvin |
KK | Kabushiki Kaisha(Co. Ltd.) (株式會社 (有限公司)) |
LC | liquid chromatography (液相層析) |
l | litre |
LDPE | low density polyethylene (低密度聚乙烯) |
MALDI-TOF-MS | matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight MS (基質輔助雷射脫附游離法) |
m-equiv. | milli-equivalent (毫當量) |
M | molar concentration (摩爾濃度) |
max. | maximum (最大值) |
min | minute (time) (分鐘 (時間)) |
min. | 最小值 |
mol | mole (莫耳) |
mol.wt. | molecular weight (分子量) |
m.p. | melting point (熔點) |
MPN | most probable number (最確數) |
Mr | relative molecular mass (相對分子質量) |
MRL | maximum residue limit (殘留容許量) |
MS | mass spectrometry (質譜技術) |
N | Newton (kg m / s2) |
N. | North, Northern (北方、北部等) |
N | normal concentration (標準濃度) |
NAA | neutron activation analysis (中子活化分析) |
NIR | near infrared (近紅外光) |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance (核磁共振) |
NPR | net protein ratio (淨蛋白質比率) |
NPU | net protein utilization (淨蛋白質利用率) |
P | probability (機率) |
Pa | pascal (N/m2) |
PAGE | polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (聚丙烯醯胺電泳) |
PAH | polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (多核芳香烴) |
PCB | polychlorinated bi-phenyls (多氯聯苯) |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction (聚合脢連鎖反應) |
PER | protein efficiency ratio (蛋白質效率比值) |
PET | polyethylenetereph-thalate (聚乙烯對苯二甲酸酯) |
PFGE | pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (脈衝式膠體電泳) |
pfu | plaque forming unit (斑塊形成單位) |
ppb | parts per billion (十億分率) |
ppm | parts per million (百萬分率) |
ppt | parts per trillion (兆分率) |
PUFA | polyunsaturated fatty acids (多元不飽和脂肪酸) |
PSE | pale soft exudative (蒼白、柔軟與滲水) |
PTFE | polytetrafluoroethylene (聚四氟乙烯) |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride (聚氯乙烯) |
PVDC | polyvinylidene chloride (聚偏二氯乙烯) |
RAPD | randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (逢機增幅多型性 DNA) |
RDA | recommended dietary allowance (建議攝取量) |
RDI | recommended daily intake (建議每日攝取量) |
ref. | reference(s) (參考文獻)) |
RFLP | restriction fragment length polymorphism (限制酶片段的多型性) |
RH | relative humidity (相對濕度) |
RP-HPLC | reverse phase HPLC (反相 HPLC) |
rpm | revolutions per minute (每分鐘轉速) |
S. | South, Southern (南方、南部等) |
s.d. | standard deviation (標準差) |
SDS | sodium dodecylsulphate (十二烷基硫酸鈉) |
s.e. | standard error (標準誤差) |
s | second (time) (秒 (時間)) |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy/micro-graph(s) (掃描式電子顯微鏡/顯微照相) |
SNF | solids-not-fat (無脂固形物) |
sp., spp. | species (物種) |
sp.gr. | specific gravity (比重) |
Suppl. | 補充 |
t | metric tonne (公噸) |
TBA | thiobarbituric acid (硫巴比妥酸) |
TBARS | TBA reactive substances (TBA 反應物質) |
TBHQ | tert-butylhydroquinone (叔丁基對苯二酚) |
TEM | transmission electron microscopy/micro-graph(s) (穿透式電子顯微鏡/顯微照相) |
temp. | temperature (溫度) |
TLC | thin layer chromatography (薄層色層分析) |
TS | total solids (總固體含量) |
TSS | total soluble solids (可溶性固形物) |
UHT | ultra-hightemperature (超高溫) |
USDA | 美國農業部 |
UV | ultraviolet (紫外線) |
V | volt (伏特) |
var. | variety (品種) |
vol. | 卷期 |
v/v | volume/volume (體積/體積) |
W | watt (瓦特) |
W. | West, Western (西方、西部等) |
WHO | World Health Organization |
w/v | weight/volume (重量/體積) |
wk | week (週) |
wt. | weight (重量) |
yr | 年份 |
- 如果太廣泛使用,部分縮寫可能會擷取不相關的記錄。請嘗試縮小您的檢索範圍,如此一來,檢索引擎即能嚴謹地解譯您的查詢。
- 部分縮寫 (例如,FAO、EPA 及 USDA) 可能會輸入於「團體作者」欄位中。在此情況下,請同時輸入縮寫名稱與完整名稱。例如,檢索 USDA AND United States Department of Agriculture,而不只是 USDA。
- 通常會在記錄中使用化學符號和廣泛認知的生化縮寫。
- 特殊字元
- > 大於
- > 大於或等於;不小於
- < 小於
- < 小於或等於;不大於