About Web of Science Researcher Profiles
What is the Web of Science Researcher profile and what are the benefits of using it?
A: Web of Science researcher profile is the only profile where you can track your publications, citation metrics, handling editor work, and peer reviews for journals, conferences, and funders in one place. It’s quick and easy to maintain, can be exported for use as evidence of your research outputs in various applications, and provides valuable insights into your publication and review history
Different views of the Web of Science researcher profile
Web of Science Researcher Profiles provide an overview of a researcher’s scholarly works, including publications in the Core Collection, publications outside of the Core Collection, peer reviews, grant reviews, and editorial board memberships.
The features and content visible to you in the profile depend on your level of entitlement to the Web of Science Core Collection.
Unregistered access
If you do not have entitlements to the Web of Science then you can view a free version of a researcher’s profile.
This includes:
Researcher information (profile picture, name, institution, awards)
Web of Science Researcher ID
Peer reviews, grant reviews, editorial board memberships.
Publication metrics (h-index, citing articles count, sum of times cited, peer review count)
Publication and peer review charts
Registered access (without subscription to Web of Science Core Collection)
Registering for a Web of Science account provides additional profile features:
Create your own Web of Science Researcher Profile.
Use Researcher Search to discover other profiles.
View other researcher’s full publication lists.
Web of Science Core Collection subscriber access
Users with entitlements to the Core Collection will see a full version of the researcher profiles. The features available in addition to those above are:
Use Researcher Search to search across all profiles plus Author Records, covering all of the Core Collection back to 1900.
Co-author network
Author position analysis
Citation Report
Profile export (for your own profile)
Web of Science Author Impact Beamplots
Geographic citation map
Web of Science hides profiles that seem illegitimate because the personalized user data in the profile does not appear authentic or because there are duplicate profiles that exist in Web of Science. In the rare case we cannot merge a profile with an existing profile, we will hide the duplicate profile. If you have a profile that you believe has been incorrect hidden please reach out to Web of Science Technical Support.

Web of Science researcher profiles are the next stage in the evolution of Clarivate’s researcher profile offering after replacing Publons. This migration of Publons profiles into the Web of Science occurred to combine Clarivate’s two researcher representations (profiles and Web of Science author records) into Clarivate’s pre-eminent researcher-facing platform and simplify the experience of those researchers and administrators tracking their research outputs.
If you had a Publons profile, you will now find it in Web of Science.
Due to the sheer size of the migration from Publons to Web of Science not all features could be completed in time for launch. In addition, some Publons features were intentionally not migrated due to lack of use
Features which are coming soon to Web of Science researcher profiles:
Pending records: the list of receipts you’ve sent to reviews@webofscience.com or edits@webofscience.com which are still being processed.
Editorial board membership management.
The ability to indicate your interest in reviewing for a journal.
Your ResearcherID badge. You will not be able to generate a new badge, but existing badges will continue to work.
Publication sorting options on your profile.
Features which have been discontinued in the migration:
Journal and country browse tables. You can still evaluate journals which are indexed in the Web of Science using the Master Journal List.
Researcher browse table. You can search for researcher profiles using the Researcher Search option in the Web of Science.
Publication browse table. If you have entitled access to Web of Science collections, you may search them using Document Search.
Journal endorsements. You will be able to indicate your interest in reviewing for certain journals via your review settings when that feature is completed.
Publication scores. These were used extensively by a very small group. Your scores are still available, if you would like an export of them, please contact our customer support team.
Research fields. These were primarily used to filter the researcher browse table which is now gone so they were not brought across.
Altmetric scores are no longer available.

You do not need to register nor have Web of Science entitlements to be able to view a ‘free’ version of a researcher’s profile.
Free access includes:
Researcher information (profile picture, name, institution, awards)
Web of Science Researcher ID
10 most recent publications (including those indexed or not indexed in Core Collection.
Peer reviews, grant reviews, editorial board memberships.
Publication metrics (h-index, citing articles count, sum of times cited, peer review count)
Publication and peer review charts
This excludes:
Access to Web of Science Researcher Search or Document Search.
Access to Citing Articles lists
Access to Citation report
Metrics such as: Author Impact Beamplot, Geographic Citation Map, Co-author list, and Author Position analysis
Registered Access (without a Web of Science Subscription)
Researchers can sign up to a Web of Science account without a content subscription. In addition to the free features, this gives users:
The ability to create their own Web of Science Researcher Profile.
View of your own Beamplot and Geographic Citation Map.
The ability to search for Researcher Profiles using Researcher Search.
Full publication lists.
This excludes
Access to Document Search
Access to unclaimed Author Records.
Access to Citation Report and Citing Articles lists
Web of Science Core Collection Subscriber
Users with entitlements to the Core Collection will see a 'full' version of the researcher profiles. The features available in addition to those above are:
Researcher Search includes Profiles plus Author Records, covering all of the Core Collection back to 1900.
Co-author network
Author position analysis
Citation report
Profile export (own profile)
Web of Science Author Impact Beamplots

Can I index my journal in Web of Science researcher profile?
Web of Science researcher profile is not an indexing service. If you are interested in submitting a journal to be indexed in Web of Science Core Collection, please navigate to the Web of Science Publisher Portal.
The Portal allows publishers to securely log in and submit journals for inclusion in the Web of Science Core Collection™ and provides a way to view the status of all submitted journals.
Can you please add a journal to the list so that I can add my review or editor record?
If you notice that a journal is not listed while you are trying to manually add a review or editor record this suggests that this journal has no presence on Web of Science researcher profile yet.
To have your review or editor record verified and added to your profile please simply forward your review receipts (thank you for your review emails) to reviews@webofscience.com or add editor records by forwarding your editorial receipts to edits@webofscience.com.
When you do this, we add new journal titles to our list automatically. If you do not have receipts that you can forward to us and would still like to add your record manually, please reach out to the support team to have the journal manually added.
Web of Science Reviewer Locator and Reviewer Recognition Service
Web of Science offers partner services that help publishers and journals to acknowledge the efforts of their reviewers and find, screen, and connect with the subject matter experts needed to peer review manuscript submissions.
We have two paid-for products:
Reviewer Recognition Service: Web of Science integrates into the reviewer workflow so academics can track and verify every review and editorial contribution on-the-fly, and in full compliance with journal review policies. We integrate seamlessly with all submission systems to automate the process of recognizing your reviewers.
Web of Science Reviewer Locator a great new search tool to help you quickly find the best reviewers, combining the power of Web of Science researcher profile's exclusive peer review database with the unparalleled Web of Science author and citation index.
Please learn more about these services and register your interest in a partnership here: